Why Choose Penteco To Supply & Design Your MSE Wall System?
1. Certified Product Inventory:
At Penteco, we partner with reputable manufacturers to offer products that have undergone rigorous ASTM testing and meet or exceed industry standards.
2. MSE Specialist:
Penteco provides value added services in addition to supply of MSE inventory. With specialised MSE consultants & engineers, Penteco not only carries certified product inventory, but provides project-specific design (professionally authenticated & stamped).
3. Crew Training:
Our experienced site support team is here to guide you through every step of your MSE wall project, providing the support and training you need to succeed. No prior experience is necessary.
4. Comprehensive Consultation & Quality Verification:
We offer consultation services throughout every stage of your project, from system recommendations to troubleshooting any design incompliances. And if requested, we can provide quality verification to certify the constructed structure against the engineered design. Trust Penteco for a smooth and successful project.

In partnership with Penteco, Geo Products introduces the EnviroGrid® geocell, a high-strength, three-dimensional honeycomb-shaped cellular confinement system. Manufactured by Geo Products, these panels are constructed from UV-stabilized, high-density polyethylene and are filled with soil or aggregate. The EnviroGrid® geocell system offers lateral and vertical support for mechanically stabilized earth walls (MSE walls) and other retaining structures. The honeycomb shape of the cell not only prevents soil erosion but also enhances the strength and stability of the wall. Furthermore, the system's ease of installation eliminates the need for special equipment. With Penteco's involvement, this solution is seamlessly integrated into projects, offering an efficient and effective solution for MSE wall applications.

Maximize Stability
Manage Drainage
Lowers Maintenance
Key Benefits:
Key Benefits
It does not corrode or degrade like concrete or steel systems.
Use of aggregate minimizes hydrostatic pressure.
Adaptable to a wide range of design requirements and site conditions.
Provides aesthetics and environmental benefits with desired vegetation and plantings.
Suitable for high-velocity-flow channels with large aggregate or concrete infill.
Easily transported and constructed in difficult or remote locations.
The multi-layered geocells become an ideal solution for MSE Retaining Walls, while fulfilling all structural design requirements. Geocell earth retention system offers desirable aesthetics and environmental benefits from a naturally vegetated near vertical fascia with the same structural stability found in conventional retaining wall systems.
The versatility of this product allows it be used on any site challenge that may arise during construction or when subgrade soils are compressible; meeting these challenges can often times prove difficult without utilizing innovative solutions like EnviroGrid's Multi Layered Geocell Earth Retention System!
Retaining Wall System
Straightforward Installation & Customization
The installation process for a Geocell is easy and doesn't require any special equipment.
Learn more from our manufacturing partners by checking out their Installation Manual!
Cost effective and sustainable solution
Cost savings over traditional earth retaining wall constructions, along with a green vegetated finish can be achieved by using the EnviroGrid system. It is ideal in situations with weak foundation soils and often allows site won materials to be used as fill, thereby saving on the cost of removal and also the cost of importing structural fill.
Quality Manufacturing
The EnviroGrid cellular confinement system has been manufactured since 1990. Geo Products was licensed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and held the patent for this product until 2006. Geo Products manufacturing plant is located in Houston Texas USA and is ISO 9001:2015 and CE certified. In addition, Envirogrid is an approved material for multiple State Departments of Transportation within the United States
3 types of Wall Systems:
Penteco provide Design & Supply for various wall systems. Contact us to learn more about which wall system best suits your project:
Gravity Wall Structures - Layered Geocell
Integrated Wall System with Geogrid Reinforcement
Rock Protection Walls

Professional structural engineers from the Ministry of Panama decided to use the retaining wall system constructed of stacked EnviroGrid® Geocell panels, in order to increase the width of the road and eliminate embankment erosion. Construction began with clearing the unstable soil and vegetation from the embankment and road. The base was leveled and micro-piles constructed from PVC pipe were driven into the ground to increase the soil's bearing capacity. The piles were filled with concrete and two were placed per EnviroGrid® panel, tied into the first layer of EnviroGrid®, which was also filled with concrete. Subsequent layers were built on top of the first and filled with on-site soils high in lime content. The top layer was filled with road material and guardrails were set with concrete.

EnviroGrid® was used to create a monolithic system, comprised of retaining walls and slope protection, resistant to erosion above and below the natural river walls. The system reshaped the river banks to soften the course of flow and established proper drainage from surrounding areas. Adjacent slopes were protected and the resulting system was vegetated to provide a long term solution. During the dry season, the riverbed was excavated to 1.5m below natural grade to allow for construction of a stable foundation resistant to the erosive forces of the river. EnviroGrid® layers, 6" tall and 5 cells deep were stacked to build a 3m high, 212m long retaining wall. The layers below the natural river bottom were wrapped with a non-woven geotextile to prevent undermining of the system. The front 2 cells of each wall were filled with lean concrete, and the remainder filled with local gravel and stones. The slopes above the wall were reshaped to 45 degrees and protected with the EnviroGrid® panels, filled with local dirt and vegetated immediately with Chorrerana grass. The few trees remaining at the river's edge were protected with individual retaining walls.

EnviroGrid® Geocell was the chosen solution because of its speed of construction and ease of installation and use. After cost comparison estimates, the product was by far the best option for the project. EnviroGrid® was not only cost effective, but a proven solution, as the crew had experienced previous success with EnviroGrid® in other projects. To complete the project, 7-8 crew members worked together in order to streamline the process. An excavator foreman completed the excavation and filled the cells while an excavator operator set and checked the grade along the roadway. Two crew members prepped the area by stretching the cells around the forms. In the trench, three crew members placed the cells, and then compacted and raked the aggregate. Other staff was utilized to transport materials to and from the site as needed.

EnviroGrid® 6" Geocell was chosen as the best option for the access road, as it provided a cost-effective and sustainable solution for this area where limited infill material options were available. Due to the effect on the structural coefficient of sand, EnviroGrid® not only allowed for the use of locally available sands, but also increased the structural number of the sand through its confinement abilities, which in turn, cut down on the amount of aggregate needed. The road was graded and compacted in order to prepare the sub-grade. The EnviroGrid® panels were installed over a non-woven geotextile that provided a separation layer between the sub-grade and geocell. The cells were then filled with locally available sandy soils.